A/D conversion rate |
Approximately 7 per second |
A/D Type & resolution |
16 bit dual slope, 40 000 internal counts |
Analogue & freq input accuracy |
0.05% of full scale, ± 1 display count |
Analogue inputs |
mV, 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-10V, and potentiometer input |
analogue output |
0-10V, 0-20mA or 4-20mA with programmable zero & span |
Frequency inputs |
NPN or PNP sensors |
Memory retention |
Full non-volatile operation |
Power-up / self test time |
1 - 3 seconds |
RS-232 isolation to input |
No |
RTD input accuracy |
0.3°C, ± 1 display count |
Settling time (frequency input) |
5 msec (no averaging) |
Settling time (process inputs) |
0.5 seconds |
Settling time (temperature inputs) |
1 second |
Temperature coefficient |
20ppm / °C typically |
Temperature inputs |
Type J, K, N, R, S, T, W5, Pt100, Ni100 |
Thermocouple input accuracy |
0.5°C, ± 1 display count (note 1 above) |
Warm up time |
15 minutes typically |